Monday, January 17, 2011

Spam & Eggs in San Francisco

Bedazzled Spam can by saraH
Well here I am, back in California and having a hella great time with my family and homies. The first leg of my trip landed me in San Francisco to spend some quality time with my best buds, Katie and Sean. them being as awesome as they are, they put me up in their home in the inner Richmond district and we had a blast exchanging gifts from Hawaii, hitting up our favorite sushi spot and checking out "The Fighter" at the Balboa Theatre
As a thank you for their hospitality I made breakfast one beautiful, crisp SF morning-- 
Spam and Eggs!!
It was only appropriate that I make this breakfast in SF since it was here that I was first introduced to it by my boyfriend, Arthur, right before we moved to his home island of Kauai. Just like Katie and Sean, I had never had Spam before-- partially out of a warranted fear of canned meats and partially out of an equally warranted fear of probably liking it too much. As expected, my first foray into the land of Spam was absolutely, amazingly, saltily, wonderfully delicious and I was immediately eager to share it with my other haole friends. So after two months worth of weekends practicing in Hawaii with Arthur as my readily willing guinea pig, I was ready to spread the word of Spam! 
Serves 3
6 Eggs
1 cup medium or short grain white rice
1 3/4 cups water
1 can of Spam
1 Avocado, sliced

-Preheat oven to 250 degrees F
-Bring water and rice to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and cook 20 minutes.
-Slice 6 slices of Spam. The thickness of the slices depends on your tastes- but a lot goes a long way (my Mom swears it's what killed my uncle) and I tend to like to have a bit leftover for more Spam experiments over the weekend!
-Arrange the Spam slices in a non-stick skillet and heat over medium high heat. Turn slices frequently to until nicely browned and crispy on each side.
-Place cooked Spam on a cookie sheet in warm oven until ready to serve.
-Cook eggs to guests' preferences. We had ours fried over easy*  and were shocked to find that each of us got a double yolked egg- Pomaika`i!
-Plate meal with one scoop of rice, two slices of Spam, eggs and some avocado slices.
-Provide condiments on the table for use!

Like I did with my first Spam foodventure, Katie and Sean also learned about the concept of putting shoyu on eggs. It's a revelation! I doubt I'll ever be able to eat them again without the urge to drizzle a little soy sauce on top and my hosts were pleasantly surprised by the salty, simple flavor as well!

Sean read two fantastic stories to us from his newly published 'zine as I cooked and Katie made coffee and tea. I served the meal with a side of Classhy Instant Oatmeal Muffins with homemade Macadamia Nut Streusel to round out our Hawaiian breakfast. YUM! And ahat a fun morning! We were all well stuffed and sufficiently fueled for the big day ahead of us- Hella'waii Style
Katie loves it!
*A tip for frying eggs over easy: Crack eggs into a pan which is already quite hot. When the whites begin to bubble right on the edges of the yolk, you're ready to quickly flip the eggs. Only let it continue cooking for a couple moments before serving!

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